Customer Service

Here you can find frequently asked Questions about our product and about Shipping.

Q. How long does processing take ?
A. Generally your order will be processed within 2-3 business days.

Q. How long will it take for my HotHead official tee to arrive ?
A. It usually takes between 7-10 business days.

Q. Where do you ship from?
A. We ship from our partnered warehouse and factory located in china.

Q. Where do you ship to?
A. We currently ship to united states, however we plan on shipping to more countries in the near by future.

Q. What do I do if a product comes in any other shape, then tip top?
A. Simply let us know and you have the option for a refund or for another product sent to you on US. 

We at HotHeads Try to Make Your Shopping Experience the Best We Possibly Can. If You Have Any Other Questions That We Can Answer. Our Team Would Love to Service You.  Our Contact Email is

(p.s If requiring about an order please provide the order number, name and the email you ordered with. So we can service you correctly)


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